Dear Students,
If you have any suggestion or proposal to be forwarded to the new committee of CZEMSA HK, please do not hesitate to do so. We are more than happy to know what you think about the society and any suggestion for the benefits of everyone. Hopefully the society can move forward to become one of the most efficient student bodies in the country.
The proposals and suggestions received will be discussed in the GM 2008. Therefore it must follow the format below:
How to send your proposal and suggestion?
Click on 'comments' on this post and the committee will read it! It's that simple!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Proposal ini hanya untuk usul dan cadangan yang akan dibincangkan pada hari pemilihan untuk dibawa kepada AJK seterusnya untuk tindakan lanjut. Pemilihan AJK dan sebarang cadangan untuk AJK hanya akan dibuat pada hari tersebut.
Assalamualaikum wbt
Cadangan 1:CZEMSA perlu wujudkan satu dana/yayasan utk hal-hal kebajikan atau keperluan semasa.Dana tersebut boleh digunakan untk hal2 berkaitan, mungkin ada berlaku kecemasan dikalangan ahli atau keperluan utk menggunakan wang,maka wang dari dana tersebut boleh digunakan.Takla sibuk2 nk cari duit mase tu.Modus operandinya,elok dibincangkan mase meeting nnt,sama ada nk tetapkan bayaran atau sumbangan secara sukarela.
Sekadar cadangan.
cadangan 2:mewujudkan jaringan maya utk komuniti czemsa hradec kralove.
kita dah ade yahoogroup utk czemsa pusat tp takde utk HK punye.ade sesetengah maklumat yg kite nk spread among HKians je, so better utk ade network kite sendiri,so that tak kacau inbox org laen,plus, secretary pon senang nk buat keje.takyah cari email sorg2.perbincangan lanjut,mase meeting nnt kite tanye semue same ade setuju atau tak.kalo setuju,boleh je nak buat yahoogroup ke,forum ke,terpulang.btw,forum yg kat website tu tak jalan,so i think better gune yahoo group sbb lg senang,masok inbox trus bace.
sekadar cadangan.
Name:Azizul Salehudin
Batch/Year:B02/2nd year
sorry,terlupe nk include details ni.
Thanks 4 ur suggestions. Harap yang lain dapat contribute juga...
Name: Ng Mei Yee
Email: agnes_ng88@yahoo.com
Batch/ Year: 02/ 2nd
Proposal: To have fund raising activities for CZEMSA HK so that whenever we have activities, we don't need to charge a high fees for the members that results in disatisfaction. My idea of fund raise is to sell FOOD!!! :-D Since there are so many capable cooks among us and everyone loves Malaysian food! :-D
Name: Hariz Iskandar bin Hassan
Email: hariziskandar@gmail.com
Batch/Year: 01/03
Suggestion: Malaysia is known as a multi-racial country where 3 main races live harmoniously together since the independence of Malaya from Great Britain. Since then, Islam has been the official religion of the state but other religions can be practised freely where Malaysia upholds its freedom by being a democratic country. Therefore, any organisation/society which consists of Malaysian citizens, whose philosophies are based on the fundamental values of the country and its purpose is to gather a group of Malaysian people together must be totally Malaysian.
In this perspective, CzEMSA was formed in order to represent all Malaysian students studying in Czech Republic regardless of their races and religions. However, from my point of view, the society has lost its main focus by being the tool used by some extreme conservatives to express their fundamentalism.
As a society that represents the country abroad and at large represents all the Malaysian students in Czech Republic, CzeMSA has not really portrayed what Malaysia is all about. CzeMSA should become friendly to everyone regardless of their belief. In other words, any extreme conservative act that forbids certain things that are normally common in Malaysia must not exist in this society.
On the other hand, where the effort of CzeMSA to introduce 3 new posts; Malay representative, Chinese representative and Indian representative must be praised, the titles of the posts however are somewhat absurd. It is not necessary for the post to be named as such as it would create some suspicion and doubt among the members. For example, does this mean that Chinese representative only works for the Chinese people? It is enough that the posts are allocated to the main 3 races but it is not necessary for the posts to be named as such. As I have said earlier, CzeMSA must be totally Malaysian where it integrates all the people of different races and religions together but not to segregate them.
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